In recent years the furnace industry has had huge technology advancements in their equipment, with today’s furnace being greatly improved over furnaces made just 15 years ago. The modern furnace is available from a wide range of manufacturers, each offering an assortment of brands and models with varying features. A common element in all current furnace models is a hot surface ignitor, eliminating the older style standing pilot. With this modern style of furnace, they all follow the same sequences of operation, when functioning properly.
Each of the steps below will occur in order, for the furnace to provide heat.
- Inside temperature drops below the set temperature and the thermostat calls for heat
- Integrated furnace control board, (IFC) performs an operation diagnostic and safety check
- Draft inducer motor starts, creating a vacuum to purge any remaining gas out the exhaust
- The Pressure switch closes due to the negative pressure caused by the draft motor
- Hot surface ignitor is powered and begins to glow and warm up
- Gas valve is energized, opening to allow gas to flow into the burners
- The flame sensor will detect a flame
- Blower motor energizes to push air across the heat exchanger
- Warm air circulates through the ductwork to all conditioned spaces in the home
If your furnace doesn’t seem to be operating like it should, knowing what to watch and listen for, can help save you time and money when calling to schedule service.
Keeping your Furnace running at peak performance and efficiency is crucial, as the Furnace may be the only source of heat to keep your home warm & comfortable during the fall and winter months. Before the start of the heating season, we recommend having your furnace and mechanical system fully inspected and thoroughly cleaned by a Quinnair service professional. We also recommend regular replacement of the furnace filter using disposable 1” pleated style filters. The frequency of filter change varies by the household; however, most homes need the filter changed monthly.
Weather your Furnace has been servicing your home for many years, or your Furnace is newer, the best way to ensure your Furnace is operating properly, is to have routine preventative maintenance, (PM) completed by a service professional. Routine maintenance not only keeps your equipment operating properly, it gives you the opportunity to catch any potential issues before they turn into costly or untimely repairs.
When scheduling a Fall Preventative Maintenance appointment with Quinnair, you’ll receive a complete checkup of your heating system, paying special attention to all functioning parts and system performance, with tune-up tasks including:
- Test for Carbon Monoxide
- Check for gas leaks
- Inspect all electrical connections
- Inspect evaporator coil and drain pan (if applicable)
- Clean out condensate drain (if applicable)
- Inspect flue piping
- Clean blower motor, wheel and shroud, (Pull Blower, if necessary to clean)
- Use vacuum and nitro to clean out the interior compartments of the furnace
- Check and clean flame sensor
- Check igniter
- Replace furnace filter
- Cycle system and test temperature rise
- Run and test furnace for proper function
- Test Thermostat for proper function
- Test safety controls
Unfortunately, as parts wear out, break-downs do happen. The service professionals at Quinnair are highly qualified in servicing all Furnace brands and models. We take appointments Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm and have someone on call in the evenings and on weekends.
Quinnair service technicians complete regular training to keep up with the latest technologies in our industry, and have experience with a multitude of models, from manufacturers such as:
At Quinnair, we are proud to call ourselves Trane® Comfort Specialists™. We are recognized by Trane® as a leader in our industry, experts in the mechanical field, quality driven and customer focused. Although our technicians complete on-going training to service any brand, make or model; when it comes to installation, we specialize in top-rated, award winning Trane® equipment.
The average life span of a furnace is about seventeen to twenty years. When considering furnace replacement, repair costs should be weighed against remaining service years. If your furnace has broken down, or you are simply looking to upgrade to a quieter, more efficient heating system, call Quinnair for a free, no obligation, in-home estimates.
Whether you’re replacing an existing furnace or you’re building a house and need a complete heating system, Quinnair can help you choose a furnace that is going to meet the demands of your home, while fitting within your heating needs and budget.
There are Basically Two types of Furnaces, each available with a choice of features …
- The Traditional 80% Efficient Gas Furnace:
Depending on the age of your home, the 80% efficient Furnace is typically the type of furnace originally installed in most homes.
- High Efficiency 90%-95% Efficient Gas Furnace
Many people choose to upgrade to a more efficient Furnace to save on the amount of gas usage; as it is good for the environment and saves money on your energy bill.
How to know which type to choose? | 80% Efficient | 90-95% Efficient |
How long do you intend to live in your home? | 5 Years or Less | Over 5 Years |
Is initial cost of installation a primary concern? | Lower Initial Cost | Higher Initial Cost |
Is monthly utility expenses a primary concern? | Higher Utility Bill | Lower Utility Bill |
Do you consider yourself to be environmentally conscious? | Uses More Natural Gas | Uses Less Natural Gas |
Concerned about rising costs of natural gas in the future? | More Affected | Less Affected |
An older forced air gas furnace can waste as much as 40 cents of every dollar you spend on your gas bill. Quinnair offers TRANE and other furnaces that greatly improve the comfort of your home during the winter months. Along with that improved comfort, we can help you reduce the amount of energy your home uses, by installing 95%+ Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) furnaces.
Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency ‘AFUE’ is a measure of a gas furnace’s efficiency as it converts fuel into energy. This rating is a percentage, with the higher the rating, the more efficient the furnace is. Example: A rating of 95 means that approximately 95% of the fuel is used to provide warmth to your home, verses an older furnace which is likely operating at 70% to 80% efficiency.