New Year’s Resolutions for Your HVAC System
How to Start the Year with Your HVAC in Top Condition
Every year, people all over Colorado make resolutions to exercise more, save more money, eat healthier, and be kinder to one another. Even though these are great personal goals to pursue, Quinnair HVAC experts encourage you to add just one more for your home comfort. Here are three resolutions you can make to start the year with your heating and cooling system in top condition.
Change or Clean Your Filters
Clean filters in your furnace are a critical component to having an efficient operating system. The filters trap impurities that are in the air, before the air is cycled back into your home. Quinnair recommends you change or clean, (if you have the rinseable type) it at least every other month. Depending on the environment in & around your home, you may need to replace your filter monthly. If you are using the disposable type, we recommend the Pleated Style during the winter months; and, if you have a Central Air Conditioning system, we recommend the Fiberglass Style in the Summer.
Clean the HVAC System Ducts
Maintaining the ducts clean will boost the quality of your indoor air. Ducts hat are kept in clean condition & free of debris, will prevent mold growth, reduce your risk of airborne illness, or avoid pest infestation. Unfortunately, Duct Clean is not a service Quinnair offers, but we are happy to provide you with a referral, if you need the name of a trusted company to call.
Hire Professional Inspectors
Schedule an appointment with one of Quinnair’s trained professionals to come to your and give everything a thorough inspection. Even if you are fully capable of spotting some problems, getting a second opinion from a certified professional can help you avoid the trouble even more effectively.
Work with HVAC Professionals
The start of a new year is the ideal time to take a fresh approach to your home HVAC system, and Quinnair can help. Whether you are considering investing in a new system for your home or you want to get the most out of the existing one, the new year is a great time to start making plans. From investing in a new HVAC system to upgrading your thermostat, Quinnair professionals will make your home comfortable all year round. Call us at (720) 634-2313 to speak with one of our experts.